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Department of Biology

Acting Head of the Department: Aibazova Fatima Unukhovna, candidate of biological sciences, associate professor.
Education: Karachaevo-Circassian State Pedagogical University, specialty teacher of biology and chemistry 1994-1999.
Graduate School: Karachaevo-Circassian State Pedagogical University 1999 - 2003.
Dissertation defense: Maikop State Technological University. 2006г.
Dissertation topic: Changes in the production and structure of mottled-grass alpine meadows as influenced by soil application.
Awards: "Honorary Worker of General Education of the Russian Federation", 2010. Winner of the republican competition of the best teachers of the Karachaevo-Circassian Republic implementing innovative educational programs. 2008г. Winner of the V National Contest "Give my Heart to Children" in the Ecological and Biological nomination. 2010 г. F.U. Aibazova has published 7 articles on biology and pedagogy, 5 textbooks. 

Our address: Cherkessk, Kosmonavtov 100, building 12, room - 214
Office hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Email address: kaf_biology@ncsa.ru
Regulations of the Biology Department

Department composition:

NAME Education Academic degree and title Length of service Readable disciplines Sphere of scientific interests, direction of scientific activity
1 Vladimir Vladislavovich Smeyanov Higher, majoring in biochemistry Specialist in biochemistry assistant professor,  Candidate of Medical Sciences 15 years Microbiology, immunology, microbiology, virology - oral microbiology, clinical microbiology, diagnostic microbiology Microbiology
2 Meremkulova Raisa Nukhovna Higher, majoring in Plant Physiology, appendix Microbiology assistant professor,candidate of biological sciences 55 years Microbiology, immunology Microbiology, virology - oral microbiology; immunology - clinical immunology Microbiology, immunology
3 Aybazova Fatima Unukhovna Graduate degree from YSFKChSU, teacher of chemistry and biology assistant professor, candidate of biological sciences 24 years Biology, Biochemistry Biological chemistry, oral biochemistry, biotechnology Microbiology, phytocenology, ecology
4 Batchayeva Oksana Mussayevna Graduate, specialty YSFKChSU, teacher of chemistry and biology MOSA, lawyer, jurisprudence assistant professor, candidate of biological sciences 25 years Biology, biochemistry Ecology, phytocenology, microbiology
5 Rada Bashirovna Semenova Graduate degree from YSFKChSU, teacher of chemistry and biology assistant professor, candidate of biological sciences 18 years Biology, biochemistry Ecology, phytocenology
6 Valentina Fedorovna Reps Higher education, specialty - biology
Ph.D. in biology

Biology, Biochemistry

Fatima Khyzyrovna Shamanova Higher education D. in Biology, Associate Professor at VAK
8 Albina Hissayevna Batchayeva Higher education, PGFA, specialty "Pharmacist-provisor". Assistant 10 years Microbiology, Microbiology, Virology - oral microbiology, immunology Microbiology
9 Aliyeva Diana Arasulovna Higher, specialty in biotechnology. Assistant 12 years Immunology, Microbiology, Biotechnology Microbiology
10 Uraskulova Alina Yoskayevna Assistant Biochemistry, biological chemistry, oral biochemistry