General about the North Caucasus State Academy (NCSA).
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "North Caucasus State Academy" is a multi-level educational institution, among the leading higher educational institutions in the North Caucasus Federal District.
It is the leading university in the picturesque Karachay-Cherkess Republic, located in the city of Cherkessk, the capital of the republic.
The Academy was established in 1964. The founder of NCSA is the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation.
NCSA is focused on training highly qualified personnel, improving the overall quality of education and attracting foreign students. Today the Academy is in demand in the domestic and international markets of educational services.
Training is carried out within 75 educational programs of higher and secondary vocational education: bachelor's degree - 19, specialty - 9, master's degree - 7, residency - 10, postgraduate course - 14, secondary vocational education – 16 programs.
More than 6,000 students from 14 regions of Russia and 11 foreign countries, including more than 650 foreign students, study at NCSA.
We have ample opportunities for education and research.
The Academy consists of 6 institutes, including the Medical Institute, the Faculty of Design and Linguistics, a vocational college and the Institute of Open Education (continued education). Graduates in have the opportunity to continue their studies at post-graduate level and at clinical residency.
The Academy has 573 employees, including 323 qualified teaching staff, of whom 31 are Doctors of Science and 171 PhDs. The academy provides all the conditions necessary for the educational activities, innovative approaches to teaching and research are widely introduced.
The Academy has modern classrooms, laboratories, workshops, computer classes, and conference rooms. The Academy includes 13 educational and laboratory buildings, a library and publishing center, an accreditation and simulation center, a center for student creativity, a center for youth projects and initiatives, educational bases, incl. in the picturesque corners of Karachay-Cherkessia and on the Black Sea coast.
We also provide conditions for sports and recreation; students enjoy many sporting sections. Modern sports infrastructure facilities include: a physical education and health complex, a swimming pool, and a sports complex. Retreats and recreational activities are also carried out at our bases in mountains and the seashore. The Center for Promoting the Health offers medical services for students and staff. The students are provided with comfortable accommodation in two dormitories and a network of student canteens. The students take advantage of our central location in the capital city in their leisure and going out.
Welcom to North Caucasus State Academy!