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Department of Internal Medicine

Head of DepartmentKhapaev Bashir Alimjasharovich, Doctor of Medicine, Professor, Honored Physician of the KCHR, Academician of the RAE and the International Academy of Informatics.

Education: Graduated from Saratov State Medical Institute in 1988 with a degree in General Medicine. He completed an internship in therapy at the Karachay-Cherkessia Regional Hospital, and professional retraining in clinical pharmacology at the I.M. Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy (2005). I.M. Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy (2005).   

Dissertation defense: He graduated from full-time postgraduate course (1992-1995) and doctoral course (1997-2000) at the Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University. In 1995 he defended his master's thesis in "Cardiology": "Effect of prolonged calcium antagonists on circadian rhythm and BP variability during a day in patients with arterial hypertension".  In 2001, he defended his doctoral dissertation in the specialty "Cardiology" on "Outpatient daily monitoring of the parameters of cardiovascular system functioning in patients with hypertension". The degree of Doctor of Medicine was awarded in 2001 and the title of Professor - in 2003.

Area of Scientific Interest: Internal Medicine, Cardiology (diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system), Clinical Pharmacology, Chronobiology and Chronomedicine. In 2004-2006 he headed the department for the study of drugs of natural origin at the Institute of Clinical Pharmacology of the Russian Ministry of Health Research Center for Expertise of Medicinal Products. In 2004-2007 he was a member of the National Ethics Committee (Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation #57 of August 2, 2004). Based on the results of clinical trials of medicines conducted with the participation of B.A. Khapaev. Based on the results of clinical trials of medicines, the following drugs were registered and appeared in the arsenal of Russian doctors: nebivolol (Nebilet®), prolonged forms of nifedipine (Corinfar® UNO, Nifekard® XL), enalapril (Enalacor®), combined drugs: valsartan + hydrochlorothiazide (Co-Diovan®), metoprolol + felodipine (Logimax®), omeprazol + domperidone (Omez®D), etc.

The works of B.A. Khapaev contributed to the wide introduction of the method of daily blood pressure monitoring into practical health care. He is the co-author (together with the academicians of RAMS L.I. Olbinskaya and A.I. Martynov) of the first Russian monograph (1998) and the first manual (1997) on this method application, he taught the doctors of our country and CIS countries the technique of this method and the interpretation of the data obtained. A number of works were carried out in the co-authorship with the coryphaei of the national medicine - academicians of RAMS F.I. Komarov, V.G. Kukes, Corresponding Member of RAMS A.M. Vein and other known scientists.

At present, daily blood pressure monitoring is included in the list of mandatory instrumental studies provided by many standards of medical care approved by the Russian Ministry of Health, such as the Standard of Primary Health Care for Primary Arterial Hypertension (hypertension), the Standard of Primary Health Care for Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension, the Standard of Medical Care for Patients with Essential Primary Arterial Hypertension (when providing specialized care), etc.

B.A. Khapaev's works are included in the lists of compulsory and recommended literature of 3 State Standards of Postgraduate Professional Training of Specialists with Higher Medical Education - in the specialties "Cardiology", "Clinical Pharmacology" and "Obstetrics and Gynecology," approved by the UMI of Medical and Pharmaceutical Universities.

In 2005, Khapaev B.A. organized the first pharmacogenetic study in the Karachay-Cherkessia Republic to evaluate the frequency of alleles and genotypes associated with slow drug metabolism by cytochrome P450 isoenzymes. It was found that a significant proportion of the residents of the republic have genotypes associated with slow metabolism of drugs - cytochrome P450 substrates (CYP2D6, CYP2C19, CYP2C9). Individuals with these genotypes have a higher risk of side effects when using drugs metabolized by these CYP isoenzymes: beta-adrenoblockers, angiotensin receptor antagonists (valsartan, etc.), indirect anticoagulants (warfarin), oral nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, proton pump inhibitors (omeprazole, etc.), hypoglycemic agents, etc.

 Author of 210 scientific and educational works, including 2 monographs, 2 patents of the Russian Federation, a multilingual medical dictionary, an etymological dictionary of names of medicinal plants, and 30 educational manuals. Hirsch index in RSCI is 9.

Our address: Cherkessk, 100 Kosmonavtov St., building 11, room 1.15

Working time: 9.00 – 16.00

Phone: 8(8782)26-16-06

Email address: kaf_vb@ncsa.ru

Regulations on the graduating department "Internal Medicine"

General Information

The Department of Internal Medicine was created among the first clinical departments. In 2006-2010 the department was headed by candidate of medical sciences Bolatchiev Khyzyr Lokmanovich. From 2010 to the present time the department is headed by Professor Bashir Alimdzhasharovich Khapaev, Doctor of Medical Sciences.

The Department of Internal Medicine trains specialists with higher education in the specialty 310501 "Medicine", as well as general practitioners and cardiologists in clinical residency.  The department is graduating, that is responsible in general for the training, graduation of students and staff recruitment in the specialty and has the maximum weight of labor intensity in the cycles of general and special disciplines of the curriculum in comparison with other departments. In 2020, the 11th graduation of physicians was carried out.

Training in clinical disciplines is carried out on the basis of the leading republican institutions of health care in the region: in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic Clinical Hospital, the Cherkess City Clinical Hospital, the Republican Tuberculosis Dispensary.

There are 16 teachers in the department: 1 doctor of medical sciences and 2 candidates of medical sciences. The first graduation of doctors took place in 2010, graduates successfully work in medical organizations of Karachaevo-Cherkess Republic, Stavropol Krai and other regions of the Russian Federation.

The priority task of the Department of Internal Medicine is to improve the quality of education and training of graduates with an active lifestyle and high creative potential, capable of further educational development throughout life.

Educational, research and practical work. At the department the necessary conditions for the educational process with the use of modern methods of teaching, the latest achievements of science and practice are created. Clinical and pathologoanatomic conferences, seminars, symposiums, scientific-practical conferences and other events are held, which contribute to the effectiveness of educational and therapeutic-diagnostic processes and the introduction of new medical technologies.

When senior students work at the patient's bedside, the main task of the department teachers is to teach future doctors to formulate a diagnosis in several possible variants with their justification. The student's ability to see the features of the clinical course of the disease, understand how comorbidities affect the patient's condition, and formulate a basic diagnosis in a particular patient is the leading goal of training in the therapeutic clinic, which determines the subsequent medical tactics and the correct choice of drug therapy..

Each employee of the department conducts career guidance work among students of schools of the republic and the medical college to increase their interest in acquiring a noble and humane profession of physician.

In addition to the teaching load the staff of the department carries out therapeutic and consultative work at the clinical bases. Thanks to the favorable psychological atmosphere at the departmental bases, friendly attitude to the students, it is possible to train specialists, taking into account their opinion, with a comprehensive discussion with them difficult in terms of diagnosis of clinical cases, developing in students the basics of clinical thinking.

The department's staff continues to master new types of scientific and pedagogical activities and continuously improves its work on training highly qualified personnel both for practical health care and for scientific work in the medical industry..  

Research work.

  Scientific direction corresponds to the profile of doctors' training in the specialty - general medicine. Scientific research is carried out as part of the initiative work, as well as funded from various sources.  

     During the last 5 years the staff of the Department of Internal Medicine has published more than 100 papers (monographs, articles in the central, regional, local press, educational and training manuals).  

Employees of the Department of Internal Medicine take an active part in international, all-Russian congresses, symposiums and conferences; regional and interuniversity conferences and seminars; interactive seminars; international, national and regional exhibitions.

Student research is conducted under the guidance of experienced teachers: Dr. M.S., Prof. B.A. Khapaev, Associate Professors, Candidate of Medical Sciences L.R. Dzhanibekova, A.N. Lobzhanidze, F.B. Mekerova, A.B. Pavlova, etc. Students actively participate in scientific conferences.

Methodological developments for the educational process

  1. Госпитальная терапия, эндокринология. Учебно-методическое пособие для обучающихся V- VI курса по специальности 31.05.01  «Лечебное дело» , 31.05.02 «Педиатрия» / А.К. Озова – Черкесск: БИЦ СевКавГА, 2020. – 82 с.
  2. Факультетская терапия, профессиональные болезни. Часть1. Практикум для обучающихся по специальности 31.05.01  «Лечебное дело» , 31.05.02 «Педиатрия» / Б.А. Хапаев, А.Н. Лобжанидзе, С.М. Эльгайтарова. – Черкесск: БИЦ СевКавГА, 2020. – 121 с.
  3. Фтизиатрия. Учебно-методическое пособие для студентов 6 курса, обучающихся по специальности 31.05.01 «Лечебное дело» - Б.А. Хапаев, С.Х. Байрамуков Черкесск: БИЦ СКГА, 2019 - 72 с.
  4. Интенсивная терапия и реанимация. Методические рекомендации к выполнению самостоятельной работы для ординаторов по специальности 31.08.49 «Терапия» (Уровень основной образовательной программы: подготовка кадров высшей квалификации). Б.А.Хапаев, Л.Р. Джанибекова / Черкесск: БИЦ СевКавГГТА, 2017 - 20с.
  5. Методические указания по дисциплине «Клиническая фармакология» к самостоятельной работе студентов 6 курса, обучающихся по специальности 060101.65 «Лечебное дело», ординаторов по специальности 31.08.49 Терапия - Б.А. Хапаев, Ш.М. Хубиев, А.А. Байрамукова – Черкесск: БИЦ СевКавГГТА, 2017. –24 с.
  6. Профессиональные болезни. Методические рекомендации к выполнению самостоятельной работы для студентов 4 курса, обучающихся по специальности 31.05.01 «Лечебное дело», ординаторов по специальности 31.08.49 «Терапия». Хапаев Б.А., Салпагарова Ф.Э., Павлова А.Б., Лобжанидзе А.Н. - Черкесск: БИЦ СевКавГГТА, 2017 - 36с.
  7. Методические указания по дисциплине «Медицина чрезвычайных ситуаций» к самостоятельной работе студентов 6 курса, обучающихся по специальности 060101.65 «Лечебное дело», ординаторов по специальности 31.08.49 Терапия Б.А. Хапаев, М.Б. Узденов – Черкесск: БИЦ СевКавГГТА, 2017. –20с.
  8. Методические указания по дисциплине «Интенсивная терапия и реанимация» к самостоятельной работе ординаторов по специальности 31.08.49 Терапия (Уровень основ ной образовательной программы: подготовка кадров высшей квалификации) // Б.А. Хапаев, Л.Р. Джанибекова – Черкесск: БИЦ СевКавГГТА, 2017. – 16 с.
  9. Хапаева А. Б. Нарушения липидного обмена: диагностика, лечение, профилактика. Учебно-методическое пособие/ Б.А. Хапаев, А.Б. Хапаева, А.Н. Лобжанидзе – Черкесск: БИЦ СевКавГГТА, 2017. – 64 с.

  10. Лечение аритмий сердца: Учебно-методическое пособие. / Б. А. Хапаев, А.Б. Хапаева – Черкесск: БИЦ СевКавГГТА, 2017. – 83 с.
  11. Методические указания по дисциплине «Профессиональные болезни» к самостоятельной работе студентов 4 курса, обучающихся по специальности 060101.65 «Лечебное дело», ординаторов по специальности 31.08.49 Терапия -  Б.А. Хапаев, Ф.Э. Салпагарова – Черкесск: БИЦ СевКавГГТА, 2017. –45с.
  12. Лечение больных терапевтического профиля в соответствии с порядками оказания медицинской помощи и на основе стандартов медицинской помощи: Учебно-методическое пособие для студентов V-VI курсов, обучающихся по специальности 060101 «Лечебное дело», и клинических ординаторов по специальности «Терапия» / Б. А. Хапаев, А. Б. Хапаева – Черкесск: БИЦ СевКавГГТА, 2017. – 90 с.
  13. Методика исследования суставов у ревматологических больных: Учебное пособие для студентов IV курса, обучающихся по специальности «Лечебное дело». - Хапаев Б.А., Павлова А.Б., Узденова Л.М. - Черкесск: БИЦ СевКавГГТА, 2016 - 20 с.
  14. Методические указания по дисциплине «Гастроэнтерология» к самостоятельной работе аспирантов по направлению подготовки 31.06.01 «Клиническая медицина», профиль «Внутренние болезни» (Уровень основной образовательной программы: подготовка кадров высшей квалификации) / Б. А. Хапаев – Черкесск: БИЦ СевКавГГТА, 2015. – 20 с
  15. Методические указания по дисциплине «Гематология» к самостоятельной работе аспирантов по направлению подготовки 31.06.01 «Клиническая медицина», профиль «Внутренние болезни» (Уровень основной образовательной программы: подготовка кадров высшей квалификации) / Б. А. Хапаев – Черкесск: БИЦ СевКавГГТА, 2015. – 17 с.
  16. Методические указания по дисциплине «Пульмонология» к самостоятельной работе аспирантов по направлению подготовки 31.06.01 «Клиническая медицина», профиль «Внутренние болезни» (Уровень основной образовательной программы: подготовка кадров высшей квалификации) / Б. А. Хапаев – Черкесск: БИЦ СевКавГГТА, 2015. – 15 с.
  17. Ревматические болезни. Методические указания к самостоятельной работе аспирантов по направлению подготовки 31.06.01 «Клиническая медицина», профиль «Внутренние болезни» (Уровень основной образовательной программы: подготовка кадров высшей квалификации) / Б. А. Хапаев, А.Б. Павлова  – Черкесск: БИЦ СевКавГГТА, 2015. – 32 с.
  18. Методические указания по дисциплине «Внутренние болезни» к самостоятельной работе аспирантов по направлению подготовки 31.06.01 «Клиническая медицина», профиль «Внутренние болезни» (Уровень основной образовательной программы: подготовка кадров высшей квалификации) / Б. А. Хапаев – Черкесск: БИЦ СевКавГГТА, 2015. – 28 с.
  19. Методические указания по дисциплине нефрология к самостоятельной работе аспирантов по направлению подготовки 31.06.01 «Клиническая медицина», профиль «Внутренние болезни» (Уровень основной образовательной программы: подготовка кадров высшей квалификации) / Б. А. Хапаев – Черкесск: БИЦ СевКавГГТА, 2015. – 20 с.
  20. Методические указания по дисциплине «Эндокринология» к самостоятельной работе аспирантов по направлению подготовки 31.06.01 «Клиническая медицина», профиль «Внутренние болезни» (Уровень основной образовательной программы: подготовка кадров высшей квалификации) / Б. А. Хапаев – Черкесск: БИЦ СевКавГГТА, 2015. – 16 с.
  21. Лечение аритмий сердца: Учебно-методическое пособие для студентов VI курса, обучающихся по специальности 060101 «Лечебное дело», клинических интернов и ординаторов по специальности «Терапия» и аспирантов по направлению 31.06.01 «Клиническая медицина» направленность (профиль) «Внутренние болезни» / Б. А. Хапаев, А.Б. Хапаева – Черкесск: БИЦ СевКавГГТА, 2015. – 84 с.

                                                                   Department composition






Khapaev Bashir Alimjasharovich

Head of Department

Hospital Therapy, Endocrinology

Faculty Therapy, Occupational Diseases


Bairamukov Smail Khamzatovich

senior lecturer



Abdokova Fatima Kanamatovna

senior lecturer



Marat Rashidovich Khachirov


Faculty Therapy, Occupational Diseases;

Cardiology with functional diagnostics


Lobzhanidze Asiyat Nazirovna 

assistant professor

Faculty Therapy, Occupational Diseases;

Cardiology with functional diagnostics


Pavlova Alla Borisovna

assistant professor

Faculty Therapy, Occupational Diseases;


Salpagarova Fatima Enverovna

senior lecturer

Faculty Therapy, Occupational Diseases;


Oksana Pilyalovna Tebueva


Факультетская терапия, профессиональные болезни;


Elgaitarova Saule Mussovna


Faculty Therapy, Occupational Diseases;


Anzhelika Soltanovna Shoshtaeva


Faculty therapy, occupational diseases;

Internal medicine, clinical pharmacology.


Leyla Ramazanovna Dzhanibekova

assistant professor

Hospital Therapy, Endocrinology


Mekerova Fatima Borisovna

senior lecturer




Botasheva Fatima Hadji-Muratovna

senior lecturer



Batchayeva Zulfa Idrisovna

senior lecturer

Hospital Therapy, Endocrinology


Leipanova Fatima Mamurachevna

senior lecturer

Hospital Therapy, Endocrinology


Albina Kelesbayevna Ozova


Hospital Therapy, Endocrinology


Bairamukova Aminat Ayugufovna


Hospital therapy, endocrinology;

Internal Medicine, Clinical Pharmacology.