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Department of Pediatrics

Acting Head of the Department: Batchaev Aslan Seit-Umarovich. Doctor of Medicine, Honorary Doctor of Health of Russia, Chief Pediatric Otorhinolaryngologist of the KCHR, Deputy Chief Physician for Surgical Department of the Children's Multipurpose Hospital, Head of the Department of the OCHS.

Education: Graduated from Stavropol Medical Academy in 1997. 1997-1999 clinical residency in otorhinolaryngology. Doctor of the highest category.

Defense thesis: "The condition of the pharyngeal tonsils in prepubertal and pubertal children in the region of southern Russia," "Prevention and treatment of diseases of the nasopharynx. The author of eighteen printed works, two rationalization proposals, two methodological recommendations..

Research interests: Operative otorhinolaryngology, organization of public health and public health.

Our address: Cherkessk, 81 Griboedova St., Department of the OCHS.

Working hours: 8.30-17.30

Phone: 8 (8782) 20-23-20

Email address: kaf_pediatry@ncsa.ru

Statute of the Department of Pediatrics

General Information

Training of students in the direction of "Pediatrics" has been carried out at the Medical Institute of SKHA since 2016. The specialty is popular, given the demand for specialists in the labor market of the republic. Students have the opportunity to acquire practical skills on the basis of all educational institutions of Cherkessk, including training on the basis of the new republican children's hospital. Pediatricians show the same interest as students of other specialties in scientific research work, participate in conferences and Olympiads.

Future pediatricians are trained in accordance with the requirements of practical health care. Currently, the department includes the following disciplines: pediatrics, propaedeutics of childhood diseases, disaster medicine, basics of health formation in children, first aid, general care in pediatrics, nursing.

Сведения  о материально-техническом обеспечении образовательной деятельности:

The Department of Pediatrics is located on the basis of the "Republican Children's Multiprofile Hospital". The following rooms are assigned to it: Study rooms 47, 50, 51, 53, 54, located on the basement floor of the surgical block.

                                                                                                           Состав кафедры: 

Name Position, academic rank Disciplines
1 Batchaev Aslan Seit-Umarovich

Head of the Department, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor

First aid
2 Bella Muratovna Kubanova Senior Lecturer

Modern antiseptics

Pediatric Gynecology

3 Adjieva Radmila Kazbekovna Assistant Pediatrics, propaedeutics
4 Bidzhieva Asya Kemalovna Assistant General Child Care
5 Zhangetova Alina Aliyevna Assistant Disaster medicine
6 Lamkova Elmira Yurievna Assistant General care
7 Teunaeva Ayshat Ibragimovna Assistant
8 Islam Huseynovich Shidakov Assistant
9 Ezieva Oksana Daghirovna
10 Elina Yurievna Mikhelson Assistant Pediatrics