Open class of the assistant of the department "Biology" Uraskulova A.E. on the topic "Hormones"
Type of class: assimilation
of new material.
Teaching methods: explanatory-illustrative, practical.
Interdisciplinary links: biology, medicine.
Objectives of the lesson:
Teaching: to show the role of hormones in the metabolic processes of
the human body
, to familiarize students with the violations of the endocrine apparatus and humoral regulation.
Developing: to promote the development of ideas about the importance of
humoral regulation in human life, the development of skills to solve biological problems and self-control.
Educational: to foster a culture of communication, to promote the development of students caring attitude to their health, the development of cognitive interest in the subject, future professional self-determination.
Content of the lesson:
´ 1. What are hormones. Classification. General properties.
´ 2. Mechanism of action of hormones.
´ 3. Biosynthesis of hormones.
´ 4. Catabolism of hormones. Transport of hormones.
´ 5. Role of hormones in the pathology of dental diseases.
´ 6. Application of hormones in medicine.
´ 7. Conducting HR "Qualitative reactions to hormones". ´ 8.
´ 8. Solving situational problems, riddles.
´ 9. Conclusion of the lesson. Test control.