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Open class of the assistant of the department "Biology"

Open class of the assistant of the department "Biology"
Open class of the assistant of the department "Biology" Uraskulova A.E. on the topic "Hormones"

Type of class: assimilation

of new material.

Teaching methods: explanatory-illustrative, practical.

Interdisciplinary links: biology, medicine.

Objectives of the lesson:

Teaching: to show the role of hormones in the metabolic processes of

the human body

, to familiarize students with the violations of the endocrine apparatus and humoral regulation.

Developing: to promote the development of ideas about the importance of

humoral regulation in human life, the development of skills to solve biological problems and self-control.

Educational: to foster a culture of communication, to promote the development of students caring attitude to their health, the development of cognitive interest in the subject, future professional self-determination.

Content of the lesson:

´ 1. What are hormones. Classification. General properties.

´ 2. Mechanism of action of hormones.

´ 3. Biosynthesis of hormones.

´ 4. Catabolism of hormones. Transport of hormones.

´ 5. Role of hormones in the pathology of dental diseases.

´ 6. Application of hormones in medicine.

´ 7. Conducting HR "Qualitative reactions to hormones". ´ 8.

´ 8. Solving situational problems, riddles.

´ 9. Conclusion of the lesson. Test control.