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The Institute implements educational programs in the following areas:

54.03.01 Design, educational program(profile) «Costume design», «Environment design»,

45.03.02 Linguistics, educational program (profile) «Translation and translation»

The main forms of educationat the institute are as follows:

Full-time - 4 years

Part-time - 4 years 6 months

Distant - 4 years 9 months

 54.03.01 Design,
educational program profile «Costume design», «Environmental design»

Costume designer is a specialist who combines an artist, a fashion designer, a technologist, an engineer, a marketer and an entrepreneur. Combining these qualities, a professional designer who can create costumes of any complexity is created. Analysis of the modern clothing market shows that today many successful clothing brands are developed by Russian designers.

Environment designer - specialist who works not only with aesthetics, but also with functionality of spaces. He designs private and commercial interiors, gardens and parks. Environmental designers are in demand on the market of construction and furniture companies, interior design and exterior design bureau the popularity of the profession is increasing every year, due to the development of the industry in Russia.

The practical activities of the graduates of the educational program 54.03.01 Design :

- educational profile «Costume design» are garments, objects and graphic works in the field of designing and constructing costumes, textiles, knitwear, clothing, shoes, headgear, accessories.

- educational profile «Design of environment» are object-spatial and architectural environment, complexes, exterior and interior decoration of buildings and structures, open urban spaces and park ensembles, their equipment and equipment, Object, landscape and decorative forms.

Types of professional activities of graduates of the training course 54.03.01 Design: artistic; project; information and technology, research, organizational and management; pedagogical.

 Training in the direction of Design 

Teaching is conducted by disciplines, the basic part of which consists of practical classes in painting, drawing, composition basics, organization of design activities for design, architectural and design modeling, mockup in environment design and costume, computer modelling, graphic design, basic printing, design history etc.

45.03.02 Linguistics,
 educational program (profile) «Translation and translation

Translator - in a narrower sense, specialist providing simultaneous or consecutive oral translation from Russian to foreign language and back during the communication process of persons speaking these languages. He can also translate ordinary, technical, special or literary texts from Russian to foreign language and back.

Linguist - specialist in two or more foreign languages, performing translation, teaching or research activities in the field of foreign languages

Professional activities of graduates

The professional activities of graduates in the field of «Linguistics» are carried out in the field of linguistic education, inter-language communication, intercultural communication, theoretical and applied linguistics in institutions of the field of education, culture and management, Media.

Objects of professional activity of graduates of theeducational program 45.03.02 Linguistics:

  • foreign language theory;

  • theory and methodology of teaching foreign languages and cultures (including distance, mixed and mobile learning);

  • translation and translation;

  • the theory of intercultural communication;

  • foreign languages and cultures of the countries studied;

  • oral and written communication.

Professional activities of graduates – of the educational program 45.03.02 Linguistics

Translation – the use of different types and techniques of translation, taking into account the nature of the translated text and the conditions of translation to achieve maximum communicative effect.

Teaching - teaching foreign languages and cultures in the system of general, secondary vocational and additional education;

Advisory and communication - acting as a mediator in the field of intercultural communication

Scientific and methodological research - compilation of dictionaries, handbooks, development of scientific and technical terminology, conducting scientific research in the field of phonetics, morphology, syntax, study of dialects and colloquialism, Writing and reviewing scientific articles, etc.

Organizational and managerial in the field of language and intercultural communication, international cooperation and other areas of social and humanitarian activities

Training in the field of linguistics 45.03.02 

The student learns at least two foreign languages (English and French). In addition, the specialty includes the study of theory and practice of foreign languages, basic linguistics, general translation theory. Practical training of the translator is provided by translation theory and practical course on translation in first and second foreign languages. Practical course of translation includes training in writing and interpretation from a foreign language into a native language and from a native to a foreign language, teaching types of translation - socio-political, commercial and technical. Graduates hold positions of teachers of foreign languages (in schools, colleges, universities), linguists, linguists, translators