FMGE exam for NCSA graduates.
NCSA graduates successful passing of the exam (32.3%) is significantly higher than the average in Russia (25.9%) and even higher than in the whole world (23.4%). Source: National Board of Examinations in Medical Sciences. Report on Country-wise and Institute-wise Performance in FMGE – 2022.
It indicates the higher quality of training of the General medicine students at the NCSA.
And more than half of the graduates of the NCSA in 2022 have successfully passed the FMGE exam with passing possibility of the exam in 2023.
NCSA Medical Institute has graduated the students who has successfully completed their training.
In 2022 - it was 36 students.
In 2023 - it was 63 students.
In 2024 - it was 37 students.
In India NCSA graduates also passed FMG exams and its one of the best level among the over graduates of the North Caucasian area medical universities.
Further NCSA graduates in have the opportunity to continue their studies at postgraduate level and at clinical residency.
Students in class at the hospital:
Left scaphoid bone fracture and the procedure is close reduction with internal fixation with the help of Herbert screw mam
Students (graduates 2022) have a practice in the Medical Institute Simulation Center
"2019 Summe shcool/ Летняя школа".
In July 2019, Indian students spent 5 days at the NCSA 2019 International Summer Educational School, at the Narat training base in Arkhyz. Conducted in an unusual camp format, in nature, it also contributed to the effective preparation of students for the test and examination session in some disciplines. The training was conducted in English and Russian, and also included games and training to develop of team, creative, leadership skills and abilities, experience in preparing and presenting projects
Students life