1- Country Information.
The official name is the Republic of India;
State in South Asia. The capital is Delhi;
Parliamentary republic;
Official languages - Hindi, English.
2. Conditions of legalization of documents on education/qualification in the Russian Federation.
Documents on education issued by educational organizations of India are legally valid in the territory of the Russian Federation without any additional certification - they do not require either consular legalization or apostilization. This means that translations and copies of documents can be notarized by a notary in the country where the documents were issued.
1. Treaty of October 3, 2000 between the Russian Federation and the Republic of India on Legal Assistance and Legal Relations in Civil and Commercial Matters.
3. Education Management System.
The Ministry of Human Resource Development is the main body regulating education policy. The Department of School Education and Literacy is responsible for school education. The Department of Higher Education is responsible for higher education management, including supervision of higher education institutions.
Central Board of Secondary Education - the main tasks are to supervise the formation and operation of secondary educational institutions, conduct in the 10th and 12th form examinations throughout the country, formulate syllabi, etc.
Most of the higher education institutions in India are taught in English. Higher education in the country is provided at the level of programs of European universities.
The Ministry of Human Resource Development is the main body regulating education policy. The Department of School Education and Literacy is responsible for school education. The Department of Higher Education administers higher education, including the supervision of higher education institutions. National Council for Quality Assessment and Accreditation - a body under the University Grants Commission, which accredits higher education institutions and assesses the quality of educational services in the higher education sector.
Central Board of Secondary Education - its main tasks are to supervise the formation and operation of secondary schools, conduct 10th and 12th grade examinations throughout the country, develop curricula, etc. The National Council for Quality Assessment and Accreditation is a body under the University Grants Commission, which accredits higher education institutions and assesses the quality of educational services in the higher education sector.
4. Education System.
India's education system includes 8 levels of education:
- Pre-School Education (starts for children from the age of 4 years, lasts 2 years);
- Elementary Education (for children from the age of 6 and lasts for 8 years);
- Intermediate Education (from the age of 12 and lasts for 3 years; Basic Education Certificate is issued at the end);
- Secondary Education (from the age of 14 and lasts for 2 years; upon graduation you receive a Secondary School Certificate);
- Higher Secondary Education (from 16 years of age, 2 years of study, Higher Secondary (School) Certificate);
- Vocational and Technical Education Vocational and Technical Education (Entry at 16-18 years of age, study lasts 0.5 - 3 years, as a result students receive Undergraduate Professional Certificate (Diploma));
- Bachelor First Undergraduate Level
Bachelor (basic degree) - entry at the age of 18, 3-5.5 years of study. Depending on the length of study, the program volume ranges from 90 to 150 credits;
Bachelor (Second Degree) - Entry at age 21, 1-3 years of study. The program volume ranges from 30 to 90 credits. In some cases, the first and second bachelor's degrees are awarded after completing a single program of 5 years. In this case, the volume of the program varies from 150 to 180 credits.
Bachelor's degree (second degree) - entry at the age of 21, 1-3 years of study. The scope of the program ranges from 30 to 90 credits. In some cases, the first and second bachelor's degrees are awarded after completing a single 5-year program. In this case the volume of the program varies from 150 to 180 credits.
- Master's Degree Postgraduate Level (Postgraduate Certificate (Diploma) enrollment at the age of 21, study lasts 1-3 years and is awarded with a Master's Degree);
- Doctorate
Doctor of Philosophy - the period of study is 2-3 years. On the basis of the Master's Degree it is possible to obtain the degree of Doctor of Philosophy with a study period of at least 3 years, on the basis of the Master of Philosophy the study period is usually 2 years. Academically, this qualification allows you to obtain a PhD in any other field;
Master of Philosophy - 1-2 years of study. The programs leading to this qualification are a preparation course for entry to programs leading to a doctoral degree.
The academic year in India runs from July to March and includes 200 school days in school and 185 in higher education.
Primary education in India is compulsory. In middle and senior secondary schools, students take annual final tests. Class 9 and 11 examinations are conducted in-house by the management of educational institutions. 10thand 12th grade examinations are conducted centrally by the State Examination Boards. Certificates containing data on the results of the 10th and 12th grade examinations are the documents certifying the completion of the respective level of education. Testing in grades 10 and 12 is conducted in 5-6 subjects. To pass successfully, a pupil must score the minimum number of points in each subject. If the tests in a subject contain both theoretical and practical parts, it is necessary to score a minimum number of points in both theory and practice. Those students who fail to achieve the passing score in 1-2 subjects may retake these subjects.
The system of higher education may use the credit system of accounting of students' progress. In this case, one credit contains 1 academic hour for theoretical subjects and 2-3 hours for practical subjects. Higher education institutions, in addition to awarding basic qualifications, also offer programs ranging from 6 months to 2 years, leading to various certificates and diplomas as part of the first and second levels of higher education. Some educational institutions implement distance education programs.
Educational documents certifying the completion of a certain level of secondary education may vary depending on the authority authorized to issue the relevant documents and the date of issue. These documents are issued in Hindi, English, the official language of the state or bilingually in English and one of the official languages of the state. The documents shall contain the following distinguishing features:
The certificate of completion may be accompanied by examination results (markssheet, marksstatement, markscard, etc.) containing complete data on the subjects taken and grades (if the certificate itself does not contain such data). The reverse side of the examination certificate in most cases contains additional information concerning the results of examinations and their interpretation.
Educational documents certifying the completion of a higher education program may vary depending on the educational institution and the date of issue. These documents are issued in Hindi, English, the official language of the state, or bilingually in English and one of the official languages of the state. The documents must contain the following distinguishing characteristics:
- the document of completion of higher education program is a combination of a certificate/diploma and a report card;
- the certificate/diploma must contain the seal of the educational institution and the signature of a person authorized by the educational institution;
- some programs provide for the issuance of intermediate certificates/diplomas with subsequent issuance of the main documents to the graduate;
- A report card is usually issued for each year of study.
The report card contains information on courses taken and grades received, but does not contain information on the volume of courses taken; to obtain this type of information, the program syllabus must be obtained from the educational institution, but at universities that use a credit-based grading system, the volume of courses may be reported in credits
The system of evaluation of students' knowledge
The grading system in India can be ballot, descriptive, percentage or letter grades.
Scheme of the country's education system
Doctor of philosophy |
2-3 years |
Master of Philosophy |
1-2 years |
Master`s degree |
2 years |
Postgraduate Certificate (Diploma) |
Second Bachelor`s degree 1-23 years General Bachelor`s degree |
Higher Secondary Education |
2 years |
Secondary School Certificate |
2 years |
Primary Education |
Pre-Schooleducation |
Undergraduate Professional Certificate (Diploma) |